(This is an article that I wrote for the Family Compass Newsletter in November 2012)
Parents are important, but not in all the ways we think we
are. We called our third child Annaelle, which in addition to being a pretty
name, also means in Hebrew, “Please God.” I often joke that we were actually
saying, “Please God, let this one be easier than the other two!”
She’s thirteen months now, and it turns out that she has
been a somewhat easier baby. Yes, there was no colic or reflux and an absence
of ear infections, but she also seems to be a calmer baby, more inclined to
smile and to be chilled out. In contrast, my first daughter from the very
beginning was more challenging in her temperament – somehow more needy and very
emotional. She was happy, but even in her first year, she was more demanding
and wanting to do her own thing.
It is amazing how children seem born with such rich
individual temperaments. What is even more incredible is how these initial characteristics
can predict personality and behavior later in life, even in adulthood. There is
a remarkable ongoing research study from New Zealand that has been following
almost all the children born in the city of Dunedin nearly 40 years ago. When
the children were three years old, they were observed by two independent raters
who scored them for how shy they were, or how friendly and open, or whether
they were somewhat difficult to manage. Those children who were rated as
impulsive at three were more likely to commit a crime at twenty-three. And
those children who were scored as being shy and inhibited were more likely to
have depression by age twenty three.
If so much of our life and personality is so influenced by
biology, then it would be reasonable to ask, “What is the role of parents in the
child’s development?” I’ve heard many parents joke about how they will need to
pay for the children’s therapy when they become adults. And I have heard many
adults, less jokingly, blame and be angry at their parents for how their life
has turned out.
This is very understandable. Parents are responsible for so
much of a child’s life – feeding, clothing and protecting – that it is hard to
imagine that this responsibility shouldn’t include our children being happy and
successful. But as the Dunedin Study shows, parents don’t have as much control
as they might think. And as we reflect on the experience of our own children’s
different temperaments beginning pretty much when they were born – how much of
that was really in our control anyway?
I take some comfort from knowing that not every small thing I
do as a parent doesn’t necessarily have a great impact on my child’s future
life. The everyday hassles and challenges of parenting are difficult in the
moment, but they are most often not critical. That it is okay to be a “good
enough” parent, take care of them and love them, but not to worry about being
perfect .
And more importantly, that one of my main tasks as a parent
is to help my child know how to play the hand they were dealt. They are who
they are. My responsibility to my older daughter is to help her when she is
overwhelmed by the emotional rollercoaster of her life and to help her find
balance. For my baby daughter, I can help ensure that her calmness and
inhibition doesn’t stop her from being heard in the noise of our daily family
Parents are important, but not in all the ways we think we
are. The trick is to know what can be controlled, and to let go of the things
beyond us that belong to the vagaries of genetics and environmental factors
over which parents have little influence.